Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Angewandte Elektrodynamik und Plasmatechnik
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44801 Bochum, Germany
ID 1/537
+49 234 32 24731

Melzer, M., Meinel, K., Stoeckel, C., Hemke, T., Mussenbrock, T., & Zimmermann, S. (2025). Characterization of the ion angle distribution function in low-pressure plasmas using a micro-electromechanical system. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 43(1), 013002. Cite
Yarragolla, S., Hemke, T., Jalled, F., Gergs, T., Trieschmann, J., Arul, T., & Mussenbrock, T. (2024). Identifying and understanding the nonlinear behavior of memristive devices. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 31633. Cite
Yarragolla, S., Hemke, T., Trieschmann, J., & Mussenbrock, T. (2024). Non-zero crossing current–voltage characteristics of interface-type resistive switching devices. Applied Physics Letters, 124(12), 123504. Cite
Gronenberg, O., Adejube, B., Hemke, T., Drewes, J., Asnaz, O. H., Ziegler, F., Carstens, N., Strunskus, T., Schürmann, U., Benedikt, J., Mussenbrock, T., Faupel, F., Vahl, A., & Kienle, L. (2024). In Situ Imaging of Dynamic Current Paths in a Neuromorphic Nanoparticle Network with Critical Spiking Behavior. Advanced Functional Materials, 2312989. Cite
Liu, Y., Vass, M., Hübner, G., Schulenberg, D., Hemke, T., Bischoff, L., Chur, S., Steuer, D., Golda, J., Böke, M., Schulze, J., Korolov, I., & Mussenbrock, T. (2023). Local enhancement of electron heating and neutral species generation in radio-frequency micro-atmospheric pressure plasma jets: the effects of structured electrode topologies. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(2), 025012. Cite
Yarragolla, S., Du, N., Hemke, T., Zhao, X., Chen, Z., Polian, I., & Mussenbrock, T. (2022). Physics inspired compact modelling of $$\hbox {BiFeO}_3$$ based memristors. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 20490. Cite
Yarragolla, S., Hemke, T., Trieschmann, J., Zahari, F., Kohlstedt, H., & Mussenbrock, T. (2022). Stochastic behavior of an interface-based memristive device. Journal of Applied Physics, 131(13), 134304. Cite
Liu, Y., Korolov, I., Hemke, T., Bischoff, L., Hübner, G., Schulze, J., & Mussenbrock, T. (2021). Electron heating mode transitions in radio-frequency driven micro atmospheric pressure plasma jets in He/O 2 : A fluid dynamics approach. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Cite
Eremin, D., Hemke, T., & Mussenbrock, T. (2016). A new hybrid scheme for simulations of highly collisional RF-driven plasmas. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 25(1), 015009. Cite
Eremin, D., Hemke, T., & Mussenbrock, T. (2015). Nonlocal behavior of the excitation rate in highly collisional RF discharges. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24(4), 044004. Cite
Eremin, D., Hemke, T., Brinkmann, R. P., & Mussenbrock, T. (2013). Simulations of electromagnetic effects in high-frequency capacitively coupled discharges using the Darwin approximation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46(8), 084017. Cite
Hemke, T., Eremin, D., Mussenbrock, T., Derzsi, A., Donkó, Z., Dittmann, K., Meichsner, J., & Schulze, J. (2012). Ionization by bulk heating of electrons in capacitive radio frequency atmospheric pressure microplasmas. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 22(1), 015012. Cite
Schulze, J., Derzsi, A., Dittmann, K., Hemke, T., Meichsner, J., & Donkó, Z. (2011). Ionization by Drift and Ambipolar Electric Fields in Electronegative Capacitive Radio Frequency Plasmas. Physical Review Letters, 107(27), 275001. Cite
Niermann, B., Hemke, T., Babaeva, N. Y., Böke, M., Kushner, M. J., Mussenbrock, T., & Winter, J. (2011). Spatial dynamics of helium metastables in sheath or bulk dominated rf micro-plasma jets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44(48), 485204. Cite
Wollny, A., Hemke, T., Gebhardt, M., Peter Brinkmann, R., Boettner, H., Winter, J., Schulz-von der Gathen, V., Xiong, Z., Kushner, M. J., & Mussenbrock, T. (2011). Ionization wave propagation on a micro cavity plasma array. Applied Physics Letters, 99(14), 141504. Cite
Hemke, T., Wollny, A., Gebhardt, M., Brinkmann, R. P., & Mussenbrock, T. (2011). Spatially resolved simulation of a radio-frequency driven micro-atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its effluent. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44(28), 285206. Cite
Wollny, A., Hemke, T., Gebhardt, M., Brinkmann, R. P., & Mussenbrock, T. (2011). Ignition of a Microcavity Plasma Array. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39(11), 2684–2685. Cite
Mussenbrock, T., Hemke, T., Ziegler, D., Brinkmann, R. P., & Klick, M. (2008). Skin effect in a small symmetrically driven capacitive discharge. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 17(2), 025018. Cite