Senior Researcher
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Angewandte Elektrodynamik und Plasmatechnik
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44801 Bochum, Germany
ID 1/253
+49 234 32 19473

Neuroth, C., Mujahid, Z., Berger, B., Oberste-Beulmann, C., Oppotsch, T., Zhang, Q.-Z., Muhler, M., Mussenbrock, T., Korolov, I., & Schulze, J. (2023). The effects of catalyst conductivity and loading of dielectric surface structures on plasma dynamics in patterned dielectric barrier discharges. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(10), 105019. Cite
Eremin, D., Engel, D., Krüger, D., Wilczek, S., Berger, B., Oberberg, M., Wölfel, C., Smolyakov, A., Lunze, J., Awakowicz, P., Schulze, J., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2023). Electron dynamics in planar radio frequency magnetron plasmas: I. The mechanism of Hall heating and the µ-mode. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(4), 045007. Cite
Eremin, D., Berger, B., Engel, D., Kallähn, J., Köhn, K., Krüger, D., Xu, L., Oberberg, M., Wölfel, C., Lunze, J., Awakowicz, P., Schulze, J., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2023). Electron dynamics in planar radio frequency magnetron plasmas: II. Heating and energization mechanisms studied via a 2d3v particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo code. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(4), 045008. Cite
Berger, B., Eremin, D., Oberberg, M., Engel, D., Wölfel, C., Zhang, Q.-Z., Awakowicz, P., Lunze, J., Brinkmann, R. P., & Schulze, J. (2023). Electron dynamics in planar radio frequency magnetron plasmas: III. Comparison of experimental investigations of power absorption dynamics to simulation results. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(4), 045009. Cite
Roggendorf, J., Berger, B., Eremin, D., Oberberg, M., Engel, D., Wölfel, C., Zhang, Q.-Z., Awakowicz, P., Lunze, J., & Schulze, J. (2022). Experimental investigations of plasma dynamics in the hysteresis regime of reactive RF sputter processes. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 31(6), 065007. Cite
Woelfel, C., Oberberg, M., Berger, B., Engel, D., Brinkmann, R. P., Schulze, J., Awakowicz, P., & Lunze, J. (2021). Control-oriented plasma modeling and controller design for reactive sputtering. IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 16, 100142. Cite
Liu, Y., Trieschmann, J., Berger, B., Schulze, J., & Mussenbrock, T. (2021). Non-linear effects and electron heating dynamics in radio-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas with a non-uniform transverse magnetic field. Physics of Plasmas, 28(5), 053505. Cite
Hartmann, P., Wang, L., Nösges, K., Berger, B., Wilczek, S., Brinkmann, R. P., Mussenbrock, T., Juhasz, Z., Donkó, Z., Derzsi, A., Lee, E., & Schulze, J. (2021). Control of electron velocity distributions at the wafer by tailored voltage waveforms in capacitively coupled plasmas to compensate surface charging in high-aspect ratio etch features. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 255202. Cite
Oberberg, M., Berger, B., Buschheuer, M., Engel, D., Wölfel, C., Eremin, D., Lunze, J., Brinkmann, R. P., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2020). The magnetic asymmetry effect in geometrically asymmetric capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges operated in Ar/O 2. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(7), 075013. Cite
Hartmann, P., Wang, L., Nösges, K., Berger, B., Wilczek, S., Brinkmann, R. P., Mussenbrock, T., Juhasz, Z., Donkó, Z., Derzsi, A., Lee, E., & Schulze, J. (2020). Charged particle dynamics and distribution functions in low pressure dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas operated at low frequencies and high voltages. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 54, 075014. Cite
Oberberg, M., Engel, D., Berger, B., Wölfel, C., Eremin, D., Lunze, J., Brinkmann, R. P., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2019). Magnetic control of nonlinear electron resonance heating in a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(11), 115021. Cite
Woelfel, C., Oberberg, M., Berger, B., Engel, D., Brinkmann, R. P., Awakowicz, P., Lunze, J., & Schulze, J. (2019). The Multipole Resonance Probe-based controller: a technology to investigate plasma-based deposition. Journal of Instrumentation, 14(10), P10007–P10007. Cite
Brandt, S., Berger, B., Donkó, Z., Derzsi, A., Schüngel, E., Koepke, M., & Schulze, J. (2019). Control of charged particle dynamics in capacitively coupled plasmas driven by tailored voltage waveforms in mixtures of Ar and CF 4. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(9), 095021. Cite
Daksha, M., Derzsi, A., Zaka-ul-Islam, M., Schulenberg, D., Berger, B., Donkó, Z., & Schulze, J. (2019). Material dependent modeling of secondary electron emission coefficients and its effects on PIC/MCC simulation results of capacitive RF plasmas. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(3), 034002. Cite
Berger, B., You, K., Lee, H.-C., Mussenbrock, T., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2018). Observation of the generation of multiple electron beams during a single sheath expansion phase in capacitive RF plasmas. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(12), 12LT02. Cite
Donkó, Z., Derzsi, A., Korolov, I., Hartmann, P., Brandt, S., Schulze, J., Berger, B., Koepke, M., Bruneau, B., Johnson, E., Lafleur, T., Booth, J.-P., Gibson, A. R., O’Connell, D., & Gans, T. (2018). Experimental benchmark of kinetic simulations of capacitively coupled plasmas in molecular gases. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(1), 014010. Cite
Berger, B., SteinBerger, T., Schüngel, E., Koepke, M., Mussenbrock, T., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2017). Enhanced power coupling efficiency in inductive discharges with RF substrate bias driven at consecutive harmonics with adjustable phase. Applied Physics Letters, 111(20), 201601. Cite
Brandt, S., Berger, B., Schüngel, E., Korolov, I., Derzsi, A., Bruneau, B., Johnson, E., Lafleur, T., O’Connell, D., Koepke, M., Gans, T., Booth, J.-P., Donkó, Z., & Schulze, J. (2016). Electron power absorption dynamics in capacitive radio frequency discharges driven by tailored voltage waveforms in CF 4. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 25(4), 045015. Cite
Daksha, M., Berger, B., Schuengel, E., Korolov, I., Derzsi, A., Koepke, M., Donkó, Z., & Schulze, J. (2016). A computationally assisted spectroscopic technique to measure secondary electron emission coefficients in radio frequency plasmas. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49(23), 234001. Cite
Berger, B., Brandt, S., Franek, J., Schüngel, E., Koepke, M., Mussenbrock, T., & Schulze, J. (2015). Experimental investigations of electron heating dynamics and ion energy distributions in capacitive discharges driven by customized voltage waveforms. Journal of Applied Physics, 118(22), 223302. Cite
Franek, J., Brandt, S., Berger, B., Liese, M., Barthel, M., Schüngel, E., & Schulze, J. (2015). Power supply and impedance matching to drive technological radio-frequency plasmas with customized voltage waveforms. Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(5), 053504. Cite